NEW CASTLE, Del. - - The Wilmington University bowling team won the second Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference Meet of the regular season, going 8-2 over the weekend to lock in the No. 2 seed in the upcoming CACC Championship.
Sunday the teams moved to Baker-style matches and the Wildcats went 3-2 to improve to 8-2 on the weekend. The Wildcats started 1-2 on Sunday, allowing Caldwell to jump into first place. But the Cougars dropped two of their final matches as well, springboarding the Wildcats back into first place.
Sunday started with a 930-632 victory against Holy Family but then the Wildcats fell to Caldwell, 934-905, and Felician, 958-919. They rebounded with wins overall Chestnut Hill, 939-896, and Bloomfield, 851-819.
The Wildcats recorded the highest total pinfall for the weekend by 272 pins, collecting 9,185 for a 183.7 game average. Felician was second with an 8,913 total pinfall for a 178.3 game average.
Combining the overall records from the two CACC Bowling Meets during the regular season, the Wildcats went 14-6 overall to finish second. Caldwell went 15-5 and will be the No. 1 seed in the Championships. When the CACC Championships start, the Wildcats will face No. 3 Felician to begin the double-elimination portion of the Championship on Friday, March 22.
The Wildcats have one more tune-up prior to the postseason though, as they host the Northeast Region Roundup at Bowlerama starting on Saturday, March 16.
CACC Championship Seeding:
1 – Caldwell
2 – Wilmington
3 – Felician
4 – Chestnut Hill
5 – Bloomfield